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De Loft

De Loft is located in the centre of historical Veurne, 6 km from the Belgian coast. There is free Wi-Fi and an extensive continental breakfast is served daily. The rooms are spacious and modern. They are equipped with a private bathroom and TV. Family rooms with bunk beds are available. The Loft rents out bicycles so that you can explore the surrounding area. Oostende and Bruges are a 30-minute car drive away.
Zimmerkategorie Max.  
Double x 3 Preise anzeigen
de loft x 3
Quadruple x 4

Callecanes Hotel

Gastfreundlichkeit kennt keine Grenzen. An der Belgisch - Französichen Grenze, heisst Callecanes die Aufenthalttouristen, Ausflügler oder Touristen auf Durchreise in einer gemütlichen Atmosphäre willkommen. In diesem Paradiesischen entlegenen Winkel von Flandern sind Gastronomie und Gastfreundlichkeit grenzelos. Callecanes ist eine ideale Ausfallstrasse zu den westflämischen Hügeln, Französisch - Flandern, der Hopfenstadt Poperinge oder dem mittelalterlichen Ieper. Callecanes lohnt sich wirklich für einen kurzen Aufenthalt: dank seiner gemütlichen Bar, des Restaurant für 130 pers. und des komfortabelen *** hotel. Hotel Callecanes verfügt über 10 komfortabel, eingerichtete Zimmern. Jedes Zimmer ist mit Fernsehen, Telefon, Abstellraumund einem Luxuriösen Badezimmer ausgestattet. Dabei vergesssen wir bestimmt nicht die herrliche Aussicht und die Ruhe des Landes.
Zimmerkategorie Max.  
Double classic Room Zimmer (Weitere Informationen) Preise anzeigen
Premium Doppelzimmer (Weitere Informationen)
Doppelzimmer Premium mit Landschaftsblick (Weitere Informationen)
Mehr Zimmer.

Kasteelhof ’t Hooghe Hotel

In the countryside and in an oasis of greenery, you find the hotel « Kasteelhof 't Hooghe » situated 3 km of the centre of Ypres. Away from the noisy town-life, it is an ideal place to make some excursions in order to visit the region. The three stars hotel with its 11 rooms in the same style as the building but equipped with the up-to-date modern comfort of the 21ste century. Indeed every room has toilet, bathroom, television, telephone, radio-awakening, hair-dryer and some with airco. The rooms of the first floor have their own terrace. Every room has a view on the garden with pond. The hotel has a cordial restaurant, with a varied kitchen and a bar that allows you to rest while tasting the Belgian beers. It is pleasant to stay late in the evening at the lounge by the hearth. There is also a parking lot reserved for the hosts of the hotel. The hotel is situated on a domain that breathes history, situated on the former front line dating of World War I. Typical proofs of it are the trenches, the concrete bunkers and several craters of mines.
Zimmerkategorie Max.  
Single Preise anzeigen
Triple Room x 4
Mehr Zimmer.

Albion Hotel

Q Label
Eine Stadt am Fuss der westflämischen Hügelgegend, eine knappe halbe Stunde Fahrt zur Belgischen Küste mit ihren breiten Sandstränden. Auch eine halbe Stunde vom lebendigen Lille (Frankreich) und nur eine Stunde entfernt von anderen Juwelen wie Brügge und Gent. Ein gastfreundliches Paradies in der St. Jakobstrasse für den Pilger nach Compostela und genauso für den Geniesser; ein stilvoller und gemütlicher Kokon für den Dichter und seinen Leser, für den Wanderer und den Radfahrer gleichermassen: das Albion Hotel zu Ypern.
Zimmerkategorie Max.  
Classic Single (Weitere Informationen) Preise anzeigen
Classic Double (Weitere Informationen)
Mehr Zimmer.

´t Amusement

Zimmerkategorie Max.  
't AmusementFerienwohnung x 28 Preise anzeigen

De Rentmeesterhoeve


The "Rentmeesterhoeve" is located on the historical site of the former manor of Reninghelst. What remained of the old farm, adjacent to the manor's foundations, has been transformed during 2007 and 2008 into an attractive and comfortable B&B. You'll wake up in the pastoral atmosphere of the inner courtyard and in the reassuring proximity of the Saint Vedast's Church, just as it used to be many centuries ago before the French Revolution.

The "Rentmeesterhoeve" radiates an intimacy imbued with flavors of a long gone past. However, you'll be pleasantly surprised by its modern comfort. Here you'll find at last the peaceful surrounding you've been yearning for so long, while savoring your copious breakfast with a view of the old moat and the village church beyond.

The "Rentmeesterhoeve" is the ideal starting point for many a fine spin on your bicycle, by far the best way to explore the Westhoek, the most western part of Flanders. You'll discover the panoramas of Heuvelland (the hilly country) and the hop-fields. You'll sample the local beers of Poperinge and Westvleteren, or a "picon", the appetizer of the French part of Flanders, over the border nearby... And above all, you're in the heart of Flanders Fields, so dear to the British and Commonwealth people, with its multitude of military cemeteries and monuments and the sacred city of Ypres only 12 km away ; whilst there, don't miss the Peace Museum and the daily moving Last Post ceremony under the Menin Gate.

To make things easy, a network of both cycling and hiking routes (numbered) has been created in this lovely Westhoek area of ours. Our roads are easygoing, but beware, there are also some treacherous slopes. You can map out your own itinerary. And you'll meet appropriate signposts to keep you on the right track. One thing is certain: you'll always find a welcoming cafe to take a "refill", and after your efforts you can be sure, on returning to the "Rentmeesterhoeve", of a refreshing shower awaiting you.

Heritage and history, nature and tranquility, gastronomy and friendship form a bouquet of opportunities to create a little heaven on earth

Zimmerkategorie Max.  
Deluxe tweepersoonskamer Preise anzeigen
Family Room x 4
Double Zimmer
Mehr Zimmer.